The echo chamber is the ego’s home.

baby in womb

It’s warm and comforting not mingling with the other tribe, like when we were cavemen.

The echo-caveman-chamber is constructed by our unconscious doubts about our self. Leaving it means being challenged, and even being told we are wrong. But what’s wrong with that?

The ego doesn’t like it.

This chamber is like the mother’s womb that the ego wishes it had never left. But it would never admit that.

The umbilical is the chain that keeps us there and sustains our ego, but it holds us back from getting out of our comfort zone to grow.

Follow me and I will take you away from the everyday.

All together, our drops fill the bucket


Met a guy in IT today.

He told me some of his story.

He was in the military, and gets school paid for and a stipend

But since he makes enough money in his 9-5 and his wife works, too, and he gets a military pension, he uses his stipend to buy computers and give them to poor kids.

I left work inspired…and it’s been awhile.

Follow me and I will take you away from the everyday.

Yeast makes bread, beer, and men

beer hot tub

(Pin it here to read later)

The boy at the sales counter picked up the can. “What’s this?” he asked his father.
“It’s to grow yeast,” his father said, as he paid for his things.
“Yee-ust?” the boy said.
“Yeast,” his father said.
“What’s that?” the boy asked.
The question hung in the air, as the clerks bagged the beers and said nothing. I waited a few seconds, hesitating, then said, “Yeast are living things, they’re really small, so you can’t see them, but they’re all around. They float in the air, and they can be on this counter top.” I patted the countertop.
The boy looked at me with simple amazement. Then he turned to his father, for some kind of confirmation or reassurance. The father was getting his receipt but stopped and nodded.
I continued: “Do you see when your food goes bad, and it gets black, or brown? That’s yeast and other small living things like it.”
“I’ve seen green stuff,” the boy said excited.
“Yes,” I nodded, “that’s yeast growing on the food, They’re eating the food.”
“Yes,” the father said, “There’s good yeast and bad yeast.” Then he grabbed his bags. “Say thank you.” he said.
The boy wasn’t paying attention. The father prodded him, and looked at me, “say thank you”. I was surprised he was telling the boy to thank me.
“Thank you,” the boy said distracted, still thinking over the idea of these invisible things that surround him.
“Thank you,” the father looked at me earnestly. “You’re welcome,” I told them.
And the two left.
And then I thought, I think I just blew that kid’s mind.
The child’s curiosity. Why did we lose it?

Follow me and I will take you away from the everyday.

The best way to overcome frustration

pouting girl

If you are angry or in pain, separate yourself from anger and pain and watch them. Externalization is the first step to liberation. Step away and look.

The physical events will go on happening, but BY THEMSELVES THEY HAVE NO IMPORTANCE.

It is the mind alone that matters. Whatever happens, you cannot kick and scream in an airline office or in a bank. Society does not allow it. If you do not like their ways, or are not prepared to endure them, don’t fly or carry money. Walk, and if you cannot walk, don’t travel.

If you deal with society you must accept its ways, for its ways are your ways. Your needs and demands have created them. Your desires are so complex and contradictory — no wonder the society you create is also complex and contradictory.

-Nisargadatta Majaraj

The orange tide is coming. Do you smell it?

Pumpkin spice

The spicy, fall, candle-esque scent of cozy pleasure?

It’s sweeping in, like an old friend, arms wide, giving us a big hug. But it’s not an old friend. And that hug is getting in my personal space. A space reserved for lovers, or moments of severe sadness and empathy with another.

It wears a broad, clueless, orange smile and it’s crawling all over the human landscape; Even before the natural landscape has had a chance to turn. The cinnamon and nutmeg and earthy scents have parachuted in: A marketing mobile infantry.

The comforting, warming scents of spice injected into our food and drinks, into the icings on our baked goods, swirled into our coffee, and dropped into our beer. Before the cold, before the fall of Fall, the pumpkin spice cocktail has been blasted over us, like pixie dust from a soulless crop duster, or smeared without our consent, like glitter from an aggressive stripper.

It’s culture, and not participating is not an option. Because no sooner have you flinched away from the pumpkin invasion, you are thinking of that pumpkin spice, in your pancakes, in your malty beers. and you shrug, and order your tasty treat, because it doesn’t matter what you think. Culture has embraced the pumpkin.

And so you will, too.

Why 9-11 doesn’t matter…but should

what How why

A network of men believed the nation of America, everyone: military people and its leadership, its men, women, and children, we all stood accountable, with our lives, for offending a religious group. Religion being the primary driver, if not the only driver, which inspired young men to sacrifice their lives for a twisted, spiteful good, which they felt was necessary.

But why does it matter the “Why?”, beyond knowing it was religion, if we know who did it, and who joins them? Let’s just get them.

Because: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” This text is attributed to Sun Tzu, from the Art of War.

Do we know ourselves? What do we want as the result of the war on terror? If our research finds another group always out there, scheming to attack America, do we continue to track them down, shooting a missile from an aircraft, sending a drone, and try to kill them, wherever they are? Maybe so.

And do we know them? Who are these young men and women enlisting with groups who have targeted not only America, but the free-world, the secular world, from America, to Europe, to Russia, to southeast Asia. How much do we need to know of their motivations, how much comes from their religion, and how much comes from their culture? A culture which sees American support of Israel and a history of deposing Iranian democracy or supporting military coups in Syria to conversely promote democracy. What seeds have we helped sow to be fertilized by the hate of religion?

Foreign policy is not clear cut, even if our involvement from history had not been so desperate and opportunistic. The religious schisms between Muslim groups should perhaps on their own keep us back from the fray, maybe even removing our financing and business involvement with our current allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

You can see that these are not easy questions. But wondering how our nation could be attacked without having been paying attention to what is happening outside our american day-to-day life can clearly be dangerous.

As Sun Tzu said, if we don’t know what we want, and we don’t know how the enemy thinks, then we will succumb in every battle. Because even when we kill our targets, we may have violated the sovereignty of another nation, its people, and at worst brought their civilian population into a war they didn’t want to be a party to, just as much as those Americans who were murdered on 9-11.

Remembering WHAT happened is only the start. We then need to go deeper, to the HOW, and WHY.

The goal is to know ourselves, our nation, our priorities, who we support, who we accidentally kill when we target our enemies, and most of all, to know who our enemies are.

Remembering who died and honoring them is not enough.

Let’s not honor out of context.

When I realized that a love is not enough.

naked embrace

Life is frighteningly meaningless unless you can find meaning in it.

Sometimes finding someone who will love you is enough.

Sometimes you’ll need something more. Something internal, something that comes from inside you, which you create for everyone. And this creation extends that love from one partner, from one family, to the love from many.

Because not only must we do something of value, but we must be valued by others.  And that value grows in benefiting a partner, a family, and ultimately, in benefiting your community and humanity.

What’s your true love?