I prefer looking at pictures


The same people who don’t like answering whataboutism questions are probably the same people who disliked the compare and contrast questions from social studies class.

And I don’t blame them!

Those are the toughest questions to answer.

But I’ve grown to like them.

My anger is my fault


With all the anxiety and anger I see today, it’s a good reminder to realize I can only do so much about what people believe. I can’t control the masses. Nor should I.

Best focus on my small world of friends and family and community, and help as best as I can.

Complaining that some people did something, somewhere, is useless. The best way to help is to actually help.

How do you help?

Too superior to discuss with you


Knowledge  doesn’t come from regular judgments and proclamations based on my perspective.
It comes from gathering all the information I can.
It’s called curiosity. And it’s where knowledge comes from. Not from superiority.
Not from condemnations..not from generalizations… and certainly not from assumptions about other people’s character.
Knowledge and growth comes from discussion.
Can we have a discussion?