when I found out I was married

no time

Today, I will do everything that I want to.

If I have the time.

Of course, I do have the time.

I am inexorably linked to it.  There is no other that I am connected to more than time.

I am married to time.

It drags me along.  I am its ball and chain. Or else I fly along with it carelessly, like a feather, as it counts down to our unavoidable separation.

Either way, we are linked.

Literally.  Our marriage is the strongest of any marriage.

Respect your partner in the most intimate relationship of your life.

Until death do us part.





You don’t listen, she told me.


I’d forgotten a name of her friend, again.

And she was reminding me about it, again.

Why didn’t I remember their names? I remembered her name. Isn’t that enough?

Education is happening all around me, if I’m paying attention.

If I’m not paying attention- to names, other people’s ideas, whatever- does that mean I don’t care?

Yes. Yes, it does.

Sometimes it’s a name I don’t care about. Other times it’s an opinion that I judge as wrong.

More curiosity. Less judgment. Leads to more learning.

Check your ignorance…check your expert opinion.

Grow your curiosity.

And after the conversation, you may learn something.