Your team, my team, & the individual

Can you imagine living another life? Not a human life. A worm life, a spider life, a dog life.

The human experience is unique. True, we don’t actually know the inner thoughts of a worm, or spider, or dog. But it doesn’t matter in order to realize how special being human is:

You are having this sensory experience, of sight and taste and sound and touch. Along with thoughts and emotional reactions to everything around you and inside you.

But there’s one more thing in our human experience, and it goes beyond these things.

It’s the one thing that might separate us from everything else. It’s the sacred part, the divine part. And when you get full access to this, without the distractions of the senses and thoughts and emotions: You have tapped into the eternal. You have become fully conscious.

And once you’ve seen this light, you can spread its good word. Because there is a lot of unconscious being in the world. An insanity which doesn’t see individual human beings in one shared experience. Rather it sees groups: us versus them.

This unconscious insanity comes out of a simple instinct. The automatic animal instinct to survive. The instinct of fear. Because I, and you, become fearful when everyone else isn’t the same as us. If you’re not in our tribe, in agreement with us, then you’re the enemy.

Consciousness reveals this insane fear. It reveals all the instinctual emotions that have pulled us out of our deeper being.

Time to show people the way back. One human at a time. There is no other way to have a revolution. It starts with individuals, each one waking up, light bulbs flaring on.

The only other option is force, with rules and quotas. Good-intentioned authorities, using the threat of punishment, so that we, the people, can be forced to live cooperatively, instead of choosing to do so ourselves.

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